Massive Bio

How we took a cancer treatment service company from 50 to 400 leads per month.

Facebook Lead Forms generated highly profitable cancer treatment cases

Inbound call volume so good they built a call center around them

Raised investment based on the results we generated

What Massive Bio Says About Us

When we first started working with Massive Bio they were using a direct marketing strategy consisting of generating leads from their website by driving traffic from Google Ads. When we got into the trenches and started implementing our own strategies their Google AdWords account was a mess, they didn’t have any retargeting pixel on their site, and they weren't putting out any content on social.

Within a month of working with us, we took them from 50 - 80 leads per month solely on Google Ad to 300-400 targeted leads per month with a combination of Google, Facebook, and social media.

By leveraging Facebook’s detailed targeting, we were able to bring them leads from extremely rare cancer types. Leads that Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) would pay $200+ for, we were able to generate for $5 - 9 per lead.









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All case studies are true and accurate at the time of documenting. Since then, they may have increased or decreased. There are many factors that play into the success of a business and we cannot control them all. These case studies do not guarantee results. Long story short, your results may vary

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